Teenage years what an age period! We have all been through this difficult age or we have children at this difficult age. I believe that the biggest difficulties of teenagers are to self-identify or better to find out who they really are, to make the right choices without having the hormones on their side and to release the excess energy, maybe even their anger. Exercise definitely helps, in these situations
Systematic exercise can also have a significant effect on the adolescent brain and its cognitive and academic abilities. Recent studies in adolescents show that participation in a regular exercise program is related to their academic performance, cognitive function, brain structure, and brain activity.
The World Health Organization has suggested that the daily exercise recommendation for children and adolescents (ages 5 to 17) should include 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity. Eighty-one percent of adolescents between the ages of 11 and 17 do not follow these daily recommendations, making adolescent lack of exercise a serious problem worldwide. Many factors have been linked to adolescent motivation, including interactions with socio-cognitive variables such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, and support from parents, friends, and the environment, as well as biological maturity.
Regardless of the reasons, the most active children and adolescents tend to remain active adults, thus increasing the chances for quality of life and longevity. So the levels of exercise during adolescence can be especially important for building a foundation for a better health later.
We offer personalized exercise programs for teenagers as it has been proven to be the most ideal way to meet the personal goals. Online exercise help you save on both money and time either wise spent to move to and from the gym. The high quality exercise services that we provide are personalized, direct and targeted. Our sole aim is to improve the trainee’s physical condition while in a safe environment